Loving all people, growing in faith,
working toward God's vision of
justice, healing and joy​
An Open and Affirming/Creation Justice Congregation

Please join us to honor and thank
our dedicated Choir members who work so hard to bring us uplifting
and inspirational music. A special Fellowship Time featuring a continental buffet breakfast for
all of our spiritual community
will be served after our Worship Celebration.

​​​​The Church Office is regularly open from 9am-3 pm on Monday through Friday. ​
Mark is normally on campus Tuesday-Thursday pending pastoral visits or off-site meetings. Please feel free to just “drop by” or make an appointment directly with him by email: mark@sanibelucc.org or text/phone at 908-477-5426.
Mackenzie Albert, our Director of Music, is normally on campus each Wednesday and some Fridays. Please feel free to come by or make an appointment by phone or text at 203-517-5427.​

Bible Study
Bible Study will meet this Thursday, March 27 at 10:30 am on Zoom.
​Each week, we explore the passages which will be part of that coming Sunday’s Worship. Then sessions are discussion based, with Mark guiding a structured conversation based on participants’ questions, concerns and considerations of the text.
The passage(s) to be looked at each week, as well as the necessary information for joining in, will be sent by email each the day before.

​​​​​ Spiritual Exploration
Our most recent unit has concluded.
The topic and schedule for our next unit are still being determined.
Fellowship Hall Art Show Continues!

If you haven’t already, please take the time to experience the artwork on display in Fellowship Hall. They have been produced by the students of Carol Good’s weekly class and include some of Carol’s work, as well.
Easter Flowers
As we prepare to celebrate Easter together, we would like to offer you the opportunity to donate toward Easter lilies in remembrance of a loved one for our Easter Worship. These beautiful flowers serve as a symbol of hope, renewal, and remembrance during this special time of year. If interested, please fill out the form available at the Sanctuary entrance table. You may also call the Church Office with your request at 239-472-0497, or send your information via email to office@sanibelucc.org. The lilies will be displayed during our Easter Celebration as a special tribute to those we hold dear in our hearts. Your dedication will be included in the Easter bulletin.

From the Mission & Benevolence Committee
Please keep in mind that SCUCC and Bat Yam Temple have a monthly Food and Paper Products Drive every third Wednesday, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Church Parking Driveway (next date: 3/19). Please drop off donations of any non-perishable food items and bath and kitchen paper products. Collected donations will benefit local neighbors in need through F.I.S.H. and the Gladiolus Food Pantry.
If you are interested in assisting with this effort, please contact Ed Hannon, Mission and Benevolence Committee Member: (239) 240-7524.
Just a reminder, if you would like to make monetary donations to the Food Pantry, please address your check to SCUCC and include Food Pantry on the memo line.

Go Native!
From the Green Team
Please join SCUCC and Bat Yam for our annual joint Vegetarian Potluck Luncheon on Sunday, April 6th at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall.
During that time there will be a presentation by Barb Wyskowski, a FL Friendly Landscaping Professional and Advanced FL Master Naturalist. Barb will teach us about the importance of choosing Native plants.
Native Plants are known to be resilient, beautiful, economical and in harmony with nature; key reasons to choose plants native to SW Florida. This is especially true in the face of climate change.
Sign-up sheets will be posted in Fellowship Hall soon.
Sign-up sheets for the dish you will bring are posted in Fellowship Hall. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, March 30th.

​Ushers Needed
We need ushers, if you would like to be added to the contact list, please reach out to Inky Meng at inkymeng@hotmail.com.

Fellowship Time
Please consider volunteering your time to serve during our Fellowship Time after Worship. It’s a wonderful way to contribute to our community, connect with others, and give back to our spiritual home. If interested, please contact Mary Cavendish at 304-673-4495.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Sign Up to Serve – Select a Sunday and mark it on your calendar! You’ll find a sign-up sheet on the table at the back of Fellowship Hall. Serving is easy, and help will be available if needed.
​2. Bring a Treat – If you love to bake or have a favorite snack to share, consider bringing it along to make our Fellowship Time even more special. Beverages are also welcome.
3. Contribute to Fellowship Time – If serving isn’t for you, a donation is a meaningful way to support this cherished time together.

Booked for lunch will meet on Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 11:30 in the Church Library. Catrina Drotleff will review “The Women” by Kristen Hannah, a history of nurses serving in the Vietnam War. It is not necessary to read the book before attending. Please bring your own lunch.

Men’s Group April Luncheon
The Sanibel Congregational UCC Shell Point Men's Group will have its next monthly luncheon meeting Tuesday, April 8th at noon at the Palm Grill in the Woodlands Common. Please make reservations with Bruce Findley at bruce.findley@gmail.com.

One Great Hour of Sharing on Sunday, April 13
One of the United Church of Christ’s four primary mission and service offerings is One Great Hour of Sharing. This fund supports the disaster, refugee and development ministries of our denomination.
This year’s theme is Share the Light. Jesus teaches us that faith calls for action. Sharing our light, as the diverse and colorful expression of God‘s love here on earth, leads us to make blankets, staff food pantries, cook meals, build houses and schools, sign petitions for worthy causes, and work against injustices.
This year, we will receive contributions to this fund on Sunday, April 13. Checks can be made to: United Church of Christ. They can be placed in the special envelopes in your pews that day and added to the collection plates, or mailed to:
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 71957
Cleveland, Ohio 44194
You can also contribute online via a secure donation form or Text OGHS to 41444 and follow the prompts to give securely.
.​​​​Women’s Group April Luncheon
The Sanibel Congregational UCC Shell Point Women’s Group will have its next monthly luncheon meeting Friday, April 11th at 11:30am. The group will meet at the two round tables located outside of the Palm Grill in the Woodlands Common. Please make reservations with Emily Kletzien at emily.kletzien@gmail.com.

Dinners for 6, 7 or 8
One of our most loved offerings is the social gatherings known as “Dinner for 6, 7 or 8”. If you would like to participate, please send your names, email addresses and phone numbers Shirley Akins at akinsteach@gmail.com.

Interested in Joining SCUCC???
If you are considering becoming a member of SCUCC, or would simply like to find out more about us, please let Rev. Mark know. After you and he discuss the expectations and, as the old commercial says, “the benefits of membership”, you and he can schedule a Sunday that works best for you to become an official part of the SCUCC community.
​​​​​​​​​Like A Ride To Worship?
​If you would like a ride to Sunday Worship from Shell Point or Cypress Cove, please contact the Church Office at office@sanibelucc.org by noon on Thursdays.

Pet Supply Drive
Kirsten Smith, one of our AV Technicians, is asking our SCUCC community if they could be so kind as to help donate pet supplies and food to her college, Cape Coral Technical College. Donations are in honor of Sherry Braddock, the Veterinary Technician Assistant Instruction who recently lost her dog Beau.
Please bring pet supplies to the church and Kirsten will collect them to take to the college. The donation window is open from March 16th through April 4th.
All donations are greatly appreciated.

Gentle Yoga with Grethe
Join Grethe in Fellowship Hall on
Thursdays at 10:45 am.
Please arrive a few minutes early to check-in.
The Santiva Islanders, Cardio & Strength Classes
​Please join Mahnaz Bassir at SCUCC for cardio & strength. Classes are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Fellowship Hall. Due to the popularity of the class and the instructor, there are now two sessions available: 9:30-10:30 and 11:00-12:00. Come try a class for free and find out about what the Santiva Islanders have to offer!

Our mission is to love all people…grow in faith…and work toward God’s vision of justice, healing and joy. Our character is to reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ: acceptance, forgiveness, kindness, respect(for each person, our islands and our earth), joy and love toward one another. You'll find us a positive,non-judgmental place for you to worship, praise, rejoice and find the purpose our Maker has for each of us, provided each week in a positive and uplifting message. Our church is one where you will be loved, accepted, supported, and affirmed regardless of your age, class, ability, race, ethnicity, gender identification, or sexual orientation. No matter who you are, or where you are in your life journey, you are welcome here!